Truth and Reconciliation
St Saviour's Church and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) have committed to walking the road of reconciliation together with our indigenous neighbours. For more than three decades the ACC has been engaged in a journey of listening, truth telling, repentance, and healing with Indigenous peoples, both within and without the church.
Some of the ways we've committed to pursuing this essential work in the life of our country can be found below.
In 2017 the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay remitted its $30,000 settlement agreement over-payment refund to the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) in support of the expansion of its Indigenous Health and Cultural Safety course in the School of Nursing. [Video]
In 2021 St Saviour's brokered the $1 a year lease of the deconsecrated building of the Church of St John the Divine in Keremeos to the Ooknakane Friendship Centre.
We are continuously involved in a process of listening and learning. We have taken together the Indigenous Canada course offered online by the University of Alberta. We have read Bob Joseph's book 21 Things You May not Know About the Indian Act.
We continue to support indigenous-led initiatives in the local community of Penticton.
In 1993 the Anglican Church of Canada, under Archbishop Michael Peers, issued an apology for its involvement in the Indian Residential School System.
Since the 2007 Settlement Agreement the ACC has fully complied with all investigations and reparation payment requirements.
In 2007 the ACC formed the position of the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop (now Archbishop) and expanded the powers of the Anglican Council of Indigenous People's.
In 2017 the Road to Warm Springs gathering in Pinawa, Manitoba, set in motion the development of a self-determining Indigenous Anglican Church.
In 2019 the Anglican Church of Canada, under Archbishop Fred Hiltz, issued an apology for spiritual harm caused to Indigenous people.
Reconciliation Toolkit (Anglican Church of Canada)