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Image of church by John Cafazza


Image by Eric Mok

Sunday Morning Worship

St Saviour's gathers together every Sunday morning at 10am. Our regular worship is Eucharistic, meaning we celebrate Holy Communion most Sundays. At least once a month we also celebrate Morning Prayer.

What to Expect

St. Saviour’s is an open and welcoming place with a friendly community that considers itself family.


If you're familiar with Anglican liturgy then you can expect to find a fairly broad-church experience with some high church elements included. Theologically we tend progressive, though we endeavour to create an environment where questions and critique are welcome.


If you're brand new to Anglican liturgy then you can expect to find a worship style that tends more towards the traditional side with some heart-filled music. Our liturgy is steeped in scripture and much of it is sung. If it feels unfamiliar at first, know that the longer people spend with the words the more it sinks down into their bones. Many Anglicans well into their later years will remember the words of the liturgy of their youth like it was written down in front of them. You can feel free to participate or not as you're comfortable.


Although we don’t have a Sunday School, children are more than welcome to be themselves in this church.



Most people arrive at the church between 9:50am and 10:00am on a Sunday morning.



We use mainly piano and organ for our main Sunday services, depending on the time of year and who is playing.



We are a liturgical church, meaning we use a set form of worship. Our service structure is taken from the Anglican Book of Alternative Services, though we've drawn on resources from other partner churches and in some cases created our own.

Anglican Worship

Anglican worship is an embodied practice. We stand, we sit, we kneel (when able!). We seek to engage all of our senses in worship as we turn 'ourselves, our souls and bodies' over to God.

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St Saviour's Anglican Church


St Saviour's wishes to acknowledge that its community gathers and prays on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation. Through our baptism we are called to pursue reconciliation with all people, but especially with our nearest neighbours and those who have experienced harm at the hands of our own institution.

St Saviour's is a member parish of the Diocese of Kootenay within the Anglican Church of Canada.

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