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Book Study Options 2023

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Below you'll find some options for our late summer 2023 book study. We invite you to take time to look through the descriptions and decide which ones you would be most interested in reading and discussing. A poll will be put out later on once the list of options is finalized.

For fuller descriptions of the books please click the arrow next to the title.

To vote on your preferred books please CLICK HERE. Voting is open until Friday, August 18th, 2023.


Transforming: The Bible & the Lives of Transgender Christians – Austen Hartke

Supper of the Lamb – Robert Farrer Capon

Freeing JesusDiana Butler Bass

My Body is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church – Amy Kenny

Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US – Lenny Duncan

Rescuing The Gospel From The Cowboys: A Native American Expression of the Jesus Way – Richard Twiss

Free of Charge – Miroslav Volf

Online Courses

The Way of Love – The Episcopal Church

Surprised By the God of Hope – N.T. Wright



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St Saviour's Anglican Church


St Saviour's wishes to acknowledge that its community gathers and prays on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation. Through our baptism we are called to pursue reconciliation with all people, but especially with our nearest neighbours and those who have experienced harm at the hands of our own institution.

St Saviour's is a member parish of the Diocese of Kootenay within the Anglican Church of Canada.

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