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What is Love at St Saviour's?

Love at St Saviour's encompasses everything we do that's oriented outwards towards the world. The Latin origins of the word "love" form a common basis for the English word "charity" meaning a bond of the heart. Love is everything that connects us to the wider world beyond the walls of our church building.

Boutique Clothing Shop

Free Store

The Free Store is a longstanding ministry of St Saviour's. It used to open to the public twice a month, however, when the pandemic hit in 2020 it was forced to change how it operates. The Free Store now collects clothing from the wider community and distributes it through an ongoing partnership with a dozen social agencies across the city.


The Soupateria is a hallmark of the Penticton and what it can achieve working together. Over decades it has served hundreds of thousands of free lunches, being open 365 days a year. St Saviour's hosts the community Soupateria which is run by staff and volunteers from across the city and across denominational lines, and governed by an independent board.

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Truth and Reconciliation

St Saviour's and the Anglican Church of Canada are committed to the journey of reconciliation with our indigenous neighbours. We recognize that as a church and as individuals we have been agents of a colonialism that has brought death and despair to a people instead of the light and life promised by Christ, and for that we repent. We seek to walk humbly and respectfully in these lands from this time forth.

Community Partnerships

In 2020 St Saviour's was the recipient of a very generous bequest. A part of this bequest was set aside to support and promote work happening within the community that aligns with the mission and values of St Saviour's Church.

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St Saviour's Anglican Church


St Saviour's wishes to acknowledge that its community gathers and prays on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation. Through our baptism we are called to pursue reconciliation with all people, but especially with our nearest neighbours and those who have experienced harm at the hands of our own institution.

St Saviour's is a member parish of the Diocese of Kootenay within the Anglican Church of Canada.

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