St Saviour's Columbarium
The St Saviour’s Anglican Church Columbarium was established in October 2000 and is located on the South side of the main church building. The purpose of the Columbarium is to provide Anglican Church members and their families with a convenient, and low cost alternative for the disposition of cremated human remains. The operation of the Columbarium is licensed under the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act and the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act of the Province of B.C. The Columbarium has 178 niches, each measuring 12" wide by 11" high by 11” deep and will normally hold two standard size urns (depending on the size and shape of the urns).
Right of Interment
Individuals and/or families may purchase a "Right of Interment", which gives the purchaser the right, in perpetuity, to have his/her/their cremated remains placed in a designated niche in the Columbarium. If a Right of Interment is not used, the purchaser, or the legal representative of the purchaser may make application to the Church for surrender of the Certificate of Entitlement, at which time a refund of the original niche fee, less a 10% administration fee, will be made. (Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (BPCP Act 43(1)(b)).
Fees and Charges
The charge for a niche in the St Saviour's Columbarium is $1500.00. (Fee includes a Non-Refundable 10% Care Fund contribution and a 10% Administration fee, including Brass Memorial Plaque with engraving of the Family Name).
When cremated remains are inured (placed in the niche) the Brass Memorial Plaque will be engraved with the deceased's name and dates of birth and death.
Right of Interment holders can purchase urns independently, with the type of urn and size being the responsibility of the right holder and subject to the niche measurements mentioned above. The container in which the cremated remains are received from the Crematorium may also be used.